


Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Will This App Become A Habit

Mar 20, 2024 | Reviews | 2 comments

‘Atoms’, from the author of ‘Atomic Habits’

Have you heard of, or better yet, read the book ’Atomic Habits’ by James Clear? Not only did I thoroughly enjoy this book on producing positive habits in every aspect of your life, I signed up for the weekly newsletter. An invaluable read that I look forward to every Thursday morning.

Now Mr. Clear and company have responded to a cascade of requests to create a companion app to the book. They’re also eliciting feedback and suggestions for further additions.

Today I’ll take you through an overview, see if it accomplished its objectives, and if you feel it would be beneficial to you.


Atoms is the definitive habit app inspired by the groundbreaking principles of Atomic Habits, the best-selling book by James Clear. Atoms is not only a habit tracker, but also your personal guide filled with bite-sized lessons and insightful strategies to help you make positive changes one small step at a time.

I can’t believe there’s anyone who doesn’t feel they could benefit from developing some positive habits and banishing several negative ones. In either your professional or business life.


There’s a free thirty day, limited functioning trial of the app. And here’s a welcome change I wish other developers would follow. After your trial has expired, they do NOT automatically sign you up for a subscription.

In the Pro version, you’re initially tasked with setting up three beneficial habits you choose to develop. (As I said earlier, they encourage feedback to improve the app. Just received an update – the number of habits you can track in the Pro version has doubled from three to six.)

To successfully reach your goal, you’re encouraged to find an Accountability Partner. Their job is to hold your feet to the fire to help ensure your success. As an example, if you don’t achieve your assigned daily task, you could encourage them to slap you up the back of the head. I know I have personally found that motivational.

The most enjoyable habit I formed with the Atoms app was reading the Daily Lesson, articles filled with sage advice containing topics as Productivity, Behavioral Psychology, Procrastination, and Motivation. So long as you have read the previous day’s Daily Lesson, you’re rewarded with another one to begin your next day moving forward.

The beauty I find in this app is the person you have to answer to in the end is yourself. And you honestly know when you’re blowing smoke up your diode.

To help you achieve a successful process (‘think lifestyles not goals’) this app, for me at least, was more persuading than the book.

Why? Because mentally, I do a lot of goldfishing (goldfish allegedly have the shortest memory of any living creature on the planet). I read a chapter, put the book down, and ‘Pffft’ it’s gone.

Immerse me repeatedly in the same environment and even I can learn. Through the use of Habits you set for yourself, Daily Lessons, short pieces on Productivity, xxxx. Even that setting wears down my procrastination skills.


Screen shot of Atoms app for iOS displaying the upgrade screen to the Pro version.

Courtesy: James Clear

My initial reaction upon browsing this app was hands down the price of the Pro subscription tier. You could accomplish pretty much the same objective using your Calendar app, the Reminders app, a Pomidoro timer, a copy of Atomic Habits and constructing several shortcuts. Ahhh… well, not exactly.

But after spending a week with the app, I found myself having a greater appreciation on how much Atoms delivers. The hook was firmly planted.

There’s no denying it’s a sizable investment, particularly over several years. But I would wager the dividends you’ll reap will be incalculable and far less expensive than if you paid for one-on-one weeklies with a professional.

Still I would hope at some point a more affordable Lifetime tier could be offered.

Yet the more I consider it, you could make a solid argument for the Pro subscription price.



Honestly, if I really organized my finances, I could afford it. I’m the ‘King of Procrastinators’ and seeing tangible metrics as to how

I’m progressing would be indispensable. For example, I really have to keep after myself to read. The barometer in Apple’s Books app helps me stick to my goals by displaying my achievements and things I need to improve.

In my reviewing this app, I found myself repeatedly returning to all of the small tidbits. I’m telling you I’m hooked.

Atoms is available in the AppStore for iPhone and iPad.

Test Rig:

  • iOS 17.4
  • iPad mini 6, iPhone 13 mini

©2024 Frank Petrie


  1. Cletus

    sounds like something I need to look into

    thanks Frank

    • YMP Admin Account

      No, thank you for dropping by.

      I read the book about a year ago. When I read the email that this out, it was a no-brainer.


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