I live and die by my media usage on my Mac. Between Hulu Plus, my MLB.TV subscription, and the occasional torrent (did I just say that?) I use my Mac to watch everything.
I also watch lots of podcasts on my TV via my ATV3. But what I couldn’t understand was why the blue mark, indicating that I had just finished watching a program, wouldn’t go away after I viewed said program, as it does on my other iOS devices.
The other night, accidentally, I held down the main button on my Apple Remote for an extra second and, lo and behold, there appeared a dialog box.
“Do you want to mark this program as watched, etc., etc.,…” Maybe I missed it in the manual, but I couldn’t find out how to do it. I went onto Apple’s discussion forums, I went and Google’d the problem, but to no avail. Then I had my ‘happy accident.’
Guess I’m showing my age. When I buy software or hardware for my Apple devices, I never even glance at the manual.
That’s Don McAllister’s job.
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Simplicity Is So Complicated
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