


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: I Have To Admit I’m Using Beta

For a slow news/rumor month, there’s an awfully lot of change going on. Believe it or not, it’s already been practically a year since the M1 SoC turned the concept of computing upside down. You can accomplish what with 8GB RAM? Not to be left in the rearview mirror,...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: …And Then He Perfected the Light Bulb

I skim a plethora of tech sites and watch plenty of You Tube channels daily to stay abreast of what’s happening RE: Apple software and hardware. One particular reviewer has been complaining about Apple Mail behaving erratically, which caught my attention as I’ve had...

Freshly Squeezed Distractions #2

Talked about everything possible you could with your loved ones? Burned out playing Words With Friends for endless days? Here's a few things to occupy your time: podcasts to stream and  knowledgeable reviews that you should read. (Please send me any recommendations of...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Life in Balance

I started meditating roughly 45 years ago. It universally viewed as hokum. I practiced Transcendental Meditation, the same meditation that The Beatles studied in Rishikesh. Over the years, meditation/mindfulness has gained acceptance and proven scientifically to...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: In Defense of Apple Maps

The big troika of smartphone navigation apps are Google Maps, Waze, and Apple Maps. I believe that recently Apple has brought its map app up to parity and then some. On November 28, 2007, Google Maps for Mobile 2.0 was released.On September 23, 2008, coinciding with...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Sky Tripping Legally

I’ve been meditating for many, many years. Suffice it to say that I used to double-date with Buddha. In the course of writing reviews, I have tested meditation/mindfulness apps from time to time. Some I have retained for my personal daily use. I find it extremely...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Batch Is a Snatch

I have many friends who take thousands upon thousands of photos. As a result, they have all the best hardware and software to pursue their passion. But suppose your like me. I only take pictures if something tickles my eyes or brain. I’m not one to chronicle my...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: My Ever Expanding Menubar

As previously mentioned, I am a fan of one-trick ponies. And should they reside in my MenuBar, all the better. So, this month instead of reviewing a single app, I’m going to review several MenuBar apps that I have stumbled across in recent months. I prefer MenuBar...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Your Cloudy Computer

Running out of hard drive space on your laptop or iMac? Here’s a way to increase your capacity seamlessly. You have need for more storage space but are stuck with the meager drive that Apple placed in your laptop. That’s where cloud services come into the picture. In...

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