


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Sometimes The Best Tech Support Is Yourself

This weekend I finally got around to beginning to piece together my minimalist SmartHome set up. I live in a studio apartment, so I’m not looking to accomplish much. As I’m wheelchair bound with several health issues, once I transfer to bed, whatever I forgot to do...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Anyway, That’s The Plan

Perhaps it’s a result of being in lockdown but I had a thought (yes, that’s what you smelt burning). I try to do things that people tell me you can’t do. So the gauntlet’s been tossed. Let’s start with a little backstory. I have a degree in film/video/audio. I‘ve shot...

Freshly Squeezed Distractions #3

Since the pandemic lockdown started nine years ago, or so it would seem, I have been doing a lot of consuming of media. I imagine that goes for most people. Binge watching + binge eating. But the further we go into this I’m finding that consuming is wearing thin....

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: First World Conundrum

The lines between tablet, laptop, and desktop machines are becoming increasingly blurred with each passing year. As a result, I‘m having difficulty deciding what direction to take when upgrading my set up. I have a late 2015 model iMac. It has 16 GB of RAM and I...

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