


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Sometimes The Best Tech Support Is Yourself

This weekend I finally got around to beginning to piece together my minimalist SmartHome set up. I live in a studio apartment, so I’m not looking to accomplish much. As I’m wheelchair bound with several health issues, once I transfer to bed, whatever I forgot to do...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Anyway, That’s The Plan

Perhaps it’s a result of being in lockdown but I had a thought (yes, that’s what you smelt burning). I try to do things that people tell me you can’t do. So the gauntlet’s been tossed. Let’s start with a little backstory. I have a degree in film/video/audio. I‘ve shot...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: First World Conundrum

The lines between tablet, laptop, and desktop machines are becoming increasingly blurred with each passing year. As a result, I‘m having difficulty deciding what direction to take when upgrading my set up. I have a late 2015 model iMac. It has 16 GB of RAM and I...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Time To Move On

I’m torn. Certain things that Apple has done in the last six months have encouraged me. Others have ticked me off intensely. But I’m hoping Apple has realized how much they have screwed the pooch over the last several years, have come to their senses, and are turning...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: If I Can Help Be of Help

Since the release of the MacBook Pro 16”, over the weeks I have read various articles and watched countless unboxings on YouTube. Many people laud Apple for finally responding to their wishes, yet remain upset at what they consider obvious oversights. Weight An...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Light Cubed

Several months ago I reviewed the benefits of Bias Lighting, not just for setting ambience but regarding taxing your retinas. Lately, I have found myself being a creator of video not just a consumer. Appearing on the occasional podcast (what were they thinking?) and...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Getting Better All The Time

Another weekend has come and went. But this weekend was the one that I look forward to all year long. It was the weekend when I would attend Macstock. Centrally located on the North American continent, roughly an hour outside of Chicago, it makes the trek that more...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: MagBak Again Has My Back

I first used MagBak years ago on my iPad. Being able to magnetically place my iPad anywhere that I needed to was priceless. Fast forward about ten years. Ever since I purchased my first iPhone, I’ve used it in my car for one reason or another. Nowadays, I stream...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Further On Down The Road

… as it must to all computers, flakiness came to my 2012 MacBook Air.’ OK, not death. It was starting to act a bit flaky and getting long in the tooth. So,  it was time to hit Apple Store’s refurbished selections. Since I began writing this column, my workflow has...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: A Boost and a Bust

With the release of Music, I have rediscovered the joy of listening to sounds new and revisited as I drive roughly two hundred miles per week. The first thing that I do when I get into my vehicle is get out my iPhone 6S 64GB and connect it to my power source and the...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Time to call it a day?

Apple has become a joke. A tasteless joke. After this week's disappointing event, I find myself saying words that I never thought that I would utter. 'Microsoft is seriously worth looking at for my future computer needs.' Apple has spread itself too thin, messing...

Freshly Squeezed Review: Take a Stance

There are numerous stands for your mobile devices on the market. In this review, we’re going to look specifically at Stance by Kenu, one of several products that they make for various models of smartphones. "Stance is an amazingly versatile, compact tripod that mounts...

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