


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Product: AudioGlove Manufacturer: AudioGlove.Net <> Requirements: iPhone (various) Price: 3G, 3GS $10.00; 4, 4S $35.00; 5 $40.00 Test Rig: iPhone 4S Hello. My name is Frank. And I am a podcast hoarder. I probably collect about 40 hours of podcasts...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: I Saw Sparqs [ZaggSparqs 6000]

Product: ZAGGsparq 6000 Author: ZAGG Requirements: AC Outlet; USB2 wire(s) Price: $99.99 Test Rig: 2010 MBP 13-inch, OS X 10.8.2, 8GB RAM, 240GB SSD Because I mainly write articles and reviews for a living, I tend to do most of my work down at the coffee shop. So as...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Three for One [ōlloclip]

Author: ōlloclip Price: $69.99 Requirements: iPhone 4 / iPhone 4S Test Rig: iPhone 4S, 32GB In the 60's the average Joe was introduced filmmaking thanks to the Hi-8 camera. There were no effects (unless you were completely methodical in your planning and willing to...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: iProtection

Product: iProtection (iPhone Defender Series) Manufacturer: OtterBox <> Price:  $49.95 Test Rig: iPhone 4S It's not a question of if but a question of when. Your HDD failing. No, that's a given. I'm talking about dropping your iPhone. During a...

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