


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Anyway, That’s The Plan

Perhaps it’s a result of being in lockdown but I had a thought (yes, that’s what you smelt burning). I try to do things that people tell me you can’t do. So the gauntlet’s been tossed. Let’s start with a little backstory. I have a degree in film/video/audio. I‘ve shot...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Batch Is a Snatch

I have many friends who take thousands upon thousands of photos. As a result, they have all the best hardware and software to pursue their passion. But suppose your like me. I only take pictures if something tickles my eyes or brain. I’m not one to chronicle my...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Thumbs Up, Downie

If you love collecting video or audio media from the internet for your personal use, this is the app of your dreams. When on the internet, we barely scratch the surface of all the media that is out there to feast on. Personally, I have become addicted to rare sound...

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