Now for the latest on my new layout. As usual, Apple under promised. I received both my iPhone 13 mini and iPad mini about a week ahead of schedule. Now I’m going through all the cruft I’ve collected on both devices over the years. It’s amazing how much stuff you can...
Freshly Squeezed Blog…
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: I Have To Admit I’m Using Beta
For a slow news/rumor month, there’s an awfully lot of change going on. Believe it or not, it’s already been practically a year since the M1 SoC turned the concept of computing upside down. You can accomplish what with 8GB RAM? Not to be left in the rearview mirror,...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Further On Down The Road
… as it must to all computers, flakiness came to my 2012 MacBook Air.’ OK, not death. It was starting to act a bit flaky and getting long in the tooth. So, it was time to hit Apple Store’s refurbished selections. Since I began writing this column, my workflow has...
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