


Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Things That See Me Through

Nov 1, 2020 | Reviews | 0 comments

I can’t help myself. A small mind requires small items.

After spending thousands on computer equipment, it amazes me how numerous, inexpensive items help me keep it all clean, orderly, and free me from aggravation. That makes me happy. The fact that it costs a pittance makes me that much happier.

elago R3 Protective Case Like most, I tend to watch some TV while lying in bed before I nod off. I was using my iPhone SE as a remote, which is housed in a somewhat slippery silicon case. I’d have it in hand, rested on my chest, and invariably fall asleep while viewing. That’s when my grip would loosen and it would careen to the floor.

As I have several health issues that prevent me from getting out of bed and picking it up, it lies on the floor all night (not desirable nor useful). To pick it up is a minor feat of engineering. (Note to self: Call Elon.)

Per chance, while flipping through Twitter one day, I came across an ad for the elago R3 Protective Case. You place the much maligned TV remote in it for a better grip and protection.

It comes in several colors and is compatible with the TV Siri Remote 4K and 4th Generation.

If you’re still afraid of nodding off with remote in hand, a lanyard is included. I miss the 30-second forward/reverse feature on the iPhone app that’s not on the remote but knowing it’s in hand and not on the floor is well worth it. Cost: USD $7.45.

For those of us who have used our eyes for many years, clean eye ware is invaluable. Peeps Carbon Eye Glass Cleaner to the rescue. I have one lying on my iMac’s base. Does it look like a simple eyeglass cleaner? Oh, contraire. What’s special about this gadget is it gets into those little corners of your glasses that you can’t get at with a lint-free cloth.  

As a bonus, push on the other end, and you have a brush for sweeping any cruft off your lenses. Cost: USD $14.95.

I’m a diehard conservationist. And if I have something that I can no longer use for what it was intended for, I’m going to repurpose it. Spectrum Euro Banana Holder turns out to serve as a stylish headphone holder. Added benefit: It fits in perfectly with the look of the equipment I have on my desk. Cost: USD $10.99.

You spend a good deal of time manicuring your screen. It’s spotless. But whether you like it or no, there’s dust in your house and some of it is going to statically cling to your screen. That’s where RepairTech comes into play. Unfortunately, they don’t make this anymore, but I found something that may be better than you can use on your screen and keyboard. WOVTE 3 pack Fluffy Microfiber Delicate Kitchen Duster Laptop Keyboard Brush Computer Screen Cleaner Tool Mini Dusting Wand (catch your breath, yet?).

I can see a Swiffer probably dusting your screen but my bet is this microfiber wand would be better at cleaning the food crumbs off of your keyboard when you retire each night.

I went and bought a pack of these (shopping online has become my standard form of exercise during the pandemic) and I can honestly say for less than the price of a latte plus bacon, egg, and cheese on an everything bagel these was worth it.  Cost USD: $8.99.

When in the zone, writing or composing, I occasionally need to empty my head. I’ve tried the Pomedero method but I find it to regimented — take a break every 25 minutes for five minutes. I find myself relentlessly thinking of what I’ll do when I return to my task at hand. 

Instead, I use the Mezmoglobe. Whenever I feel stuck, I take this orb for a spin, literally. It takes my mind out of the game for a brief time when I feel it’s time. It’s so hypnotic. I find myself deliberating whether the spiral should go downward or upwards. Either way, it’s a fast way to refresh the synapses when I feel I need to.  Cost: USD $34.00.

And finally, two items I cannot do without. First, it’s great to have a SIM card ejector tool at the ready. If not that, then a bent paper clip. When you need it, it’s there to use right away, then you can move on.

And finally, a touchstone – another mental break accessory. Mine’s a great one that transports me to a different environment. I’m a lifelong Yankees fan, having grown up in Northern New Jersey. This miniature helmet takes me up and down my personal timeline, either to my childhood or to today’s line-up. I can drift off to anywhere in the timeline that comforts me.

I’m sure you have collected accoutrements to help you through the day. Amazing how little things can be so important isn’t it?

©2020 Frank Petrie


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