


Freshly Squeezed OpEd: M1 + Cube = Never—Neverland

Apr 18, 2021 | OpEd | 2 comments

It has been roughly a 1/2 year since Apple unveiled the M1 chip and unfurled the road that lies ahead. Within minutes after the presentation’s end I had a picture in my mind:


The most powerful technological organs (so far) of any computer combined with the most iconic design ever made to house them. A design so iconic, that the Museum of Modern Art in NYC has it permanently on display. I’ve made innumerable mentions of going iPad-centric but I confess to drooling over the M1.

Do I have any need for the power this chip delivers, even though its only entry-level. Possibly not. I’m like millions of other Mac, iPad, and iPhone owners that use a percentage of the power their device’s house.

I need a tattoo inked on to my forehead: FOMO.

The very thought of combining the most delightful and unobtrusive design ever for a computer with a major paradigm shift in technology…

Well, apparently I wasn’t the only one with a dream dancing in my head. While binging on You Tube Saturday eve, I came across an inspiring video that I have to share with you. Presented by Nic Ansuini here is the link: M1 Chip in a 20 year old G4 Cube.

How ironic. Probably the most brilliiant of Sir Jony Ive’s designs (which unfortunately wound up a failed project) could rise like a phoenix from the ashes. The backorder for this product would be legendary within the industry. Likely any industry.

There’s more than enough room for the tech and enough left over to aid passive cooling, add an internal SSD, or both.

Tim, I beseech you, if the molds haven’t been destroyed (or even if they have) give this idea serious consideration. Just watch the video. I’m willing to bet this could make Apple the first $3,000,000,000 company on the planet.

©2021 Frank Petrie


  1. Cletus

    Good ideal.

    • YMP Admin Account

      Isn’t it though? They would fly off the shelves.


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