


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: My Ever Expanding Menubar

As previously mentioned, I am a fan of one-trick ponies. And should they reside in my MenuBar, all the better. So, this month instead of reviewing a single app, I’m going to review several MenuBar apps that I have stumbled across in recent months. I prefer MenuBar...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Getting Better All The Time

Another weekend has come and went. But this weekend was the one that I look forward to all year long. It was the weekend when I would attend Macstock. Centrally located on the North American continent, roughly an hour outside of Chicago, it makes the trek that more...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Your Cloudy Computer

Running out of hard drive space on your laptop or iMac? Here’s a way to increase your capacity seamlessly. You have need for more storage space but are stuck with the meager drive that Apple placed in your laptop. That’s where cloud services come into the picture. In...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Thumbs Up, Downie

If you love collecting video or audio media from the internet for your personal use, this is the app of your dreams. When on the internet, we barely scratch the surface of all the media that is out there to feast on. Personally, I have become addicted to rare sound...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Production Software For The Rest Of Us

When Macworld was held in San Francisco, I interviewed a young man who was launching an audio software start-up. As time went by, the developer’s number of apps grew and the company’s reputation became cemented. Soon you most likely owned at least one app from Rogue...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: THX For Your HDTV

Over the holidays some of you undoubtedly received or treated yourself to a new HDTV or a 4K HDTV. I have an iOS app that will calibrate both your picture and audio to achieve optimum performance. I earned a degree in Video/Film eons ago. Everything was done on 3/4”...

Freshly Squeezed Review: KeyKey Is The Key

When I was in high school I took a typing class. Didn’t know if it would ever be useful but I figured it couldn’t hurt to be somewhat competent at it. (Ironically, here I sit typing reviews.) Unfortunately, my proficiency only went as high as 55 words per minute....

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Throttlegate = iChicken Little

If you have read any newspaper as of late, you have to wonder where people's heads are at politically, socially, etc. But this recent brouhaha over Apple's mucking with its iOS code for ill gotten gain would be laughable if so many people didn't really believe it....

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: iOutta Control

There I was happily sauntering along life’s path with an iPhone 6S, an old yet reliable iPad mini 2 and a 2012 MacBook Air. As my situation had changed, so had my workflow. Ergo, I didn’t require the same tools as I once did. I felt comfortable and secure. But then...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Another Step Goes Boom

I was introduced to Boom when it first launched at Macworld. After speaking with the developers for a bit, I received a review copy, That evening I returned to my room, installed it on my MacBook Pro and put it through it’s paces. The concept was to provide heft to...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Parking Mobility

I am power wheelchair bound. But that doesn’t stop me from getting out and about. I am fortunate enough to have a conversion van with hand controls and a retractable ramp. This allows me to go to the theater, to dinner, to visit friends, and so on. In fact, I drove...

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