


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Review: KeyKey Is The Key

When I was in high school I took a typing class. Didn’t know if it would ever be useful but I figured it couldn’t hurt to be somewhat competent at it. (Ironically, here I sit typing reviews.) Unfortunately, my proficiency only went as high as 55 words per minute....

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Throttlegate = iChicken Little

If you have read any newspaper as of late, you have to wonder where people's heads are at politically, socially, etc. But this recent brouhaha over Apple's mucking with its iOS code for ill gotten gain would be laughable if so many people didn't really believe it....

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Parking Mobility

I am power wheelchair bound. But that doesn’t stop me from getting out and about. I am fortunate enough to have a conversion van with hand controls and a retractable ramp. This allows me to go to the theater, to dinner, to visit friends, and so on. In fact, I drove...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Swift Be My Playground

  Opening Apple’s recent event for the new MacbookPro, they started the program off with a video showing how Apple can help the disabled to be as productive as anyone else. To drive the point home, the video was created by the person with a neuro-muscular disease...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Bonkers for Bonk

  Do you have those days were there is so much to be accomplished that you feel overwhelmed? Of course, you do. And you inevitably reach the point that your cranium is so overcrowded that you just have to shut down all mental exertion, no matter how menial. Many...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Will It Stay or Will It Go?

Without a doubt, the two most downloaded iOS apps in the recent month or two have been Pokémon Go and Prisma. But will either of them still be hot in the next month or two? Or will they fade away? Here's my opinion. Let's start with Pokémon Go. Pokémon Go doesn't...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Watch Comes to the Handicapped

I watched the WWDC 2016 keynote. I have to be honest. Being of the age where as I have been computing for several decades but computing is not embedded in my DNA, I did find myself simultaneously in states of ecstasy and dizzying bewilderment. Amazing stuff. But there...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Singular Apps

This month, I take a page out of Don's playbook and review several iOS apps that do one thing and one thing alone. It may be useful, it may be revealing or merely a complete waste of my time (in a good way). Every now and again, do you find yourself rummaging through...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Breathe Deep

I finally got around to watching the WWDC keynote in its entirety this past weekend. I was braced for the worst from the tweets I read and headings that I saw on MacSurfer. Imagine my surprise that when the keynote was finished I was elated! Tim Cook was at ease and...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Chicken Little and Scott Forstall

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!", said Chicken Little. Once she told Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, they were all in a tizzy! "Scott Forstall is fired! Scot Forstall is fired!," said the blogs. Once they told the analysts and...

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