


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: The 2,147th Music Review

Over the past several months we have been buried under an avalanche of reviews of both Watch and Music. Personally, I’m not a fan of wearing bling but I’m debating purchasing an Watch. I’d like to have it primarily for tracking my exercising. I’m wheelchair-bound...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Workflow Ramifications

As I've mentioned in many recent posts, I have moved twice over the last two years. Which results in a lot of packing and unpacking. Seeing as I've been writing reviews, podcasting, opining and such about third party Apple hardware and software over the past decade or...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Hiatus

By now, you no doubt have read of Macworld/iWorld's hiatus. My immediate feeling is that my family has been taken from me. I also feel like an era may have come to an end. 'Hiatus' ordinarily suggests a return sometime in the future, soon or down-the-road. But as we...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Wait A Tick! I'm My Father's Mac!

When I first started using computers, it was a lot like my early forays into dating. I was always in the dark and there was a lot of fumbling about. But then I was introduced to the Mac. The computer for the rest of us. Or, put another way, not your father's computer...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: The Day That Wall St. Grew Up

Once upon a time, or perhaps twice, there was a special place built of gold where borrowers and lenders of various sorts and sizes would gather daily to transact all manner of business. This place was known as Wall Street. And rightly so, as an invisible wall had been...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Comcastopoly

By now, I’m sure that you have read or heard that Comcast has swallowed TimeWarner Cable. Apple had been in discussions for some time now with TWC.This may have been what Jobs was referring to when he said that he had figured out what to do with AppleTV. Some believe...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Emergency Kit

Due to recent events that would make for a riveting feature film (the part of Frank Petrie will be played by Jack Black), I spent an inordinate amount of 2013 in hospital and rehab. But I learned that I could still carry on socially and professionally with a bit of...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Well, Do You Feel Lucky, Punk?

Up coming is what is considered by many to be the best selling HDTV weekend. If you’re adventurous, you may want to check out ‘open box’ returns at your local box stores several days after the Super Bowl. A roll of the dice? Most definitely. But I did this several...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Apple's Phablet Is Already Here

Call me crazy all that you want to (okay, okay, that's enough already) but I believe that Apple has all the pieces necessary for the ultimate phablet. The main component you may already know. The iPad Mini with retina display. It already has the main thing that...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: One Finger Gesture

What's it been, nearly a year now? And Microsoft still hasn't gotten the hang of how to produce an effective commercial to drive people to their products. Let's start with the "Click" ads. Apparently, the Microsoft Surface made a much more distinctive click sound with...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Breathe Deep

I finally got around to watching the WWDC keynote in its entirety this past weekend. I was braced for the worst from the tweets I read and headings that I saw on MacSurfer. Imagine my surprise that when the keynote was finished I was elated! Tim Cook was at ease and...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Rant

Yesterday, Apple released its earnings report for the March quarter. Did they announce an iWatch? No. Did they announce an iTV? No. But analysts trotted out their favorite imaginary Apple product. The iDon't-Give-A-Rat's-What-Your-Report-Says-I'm-Gonna-Paint-It-Red. I...

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