


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Sound Source Magical Mystery Upgrade

UPDATE: ATTN - from ROGUE AMOEBA: Big News for Big Sur! All of our products now have initial compatibility with the upcoming MacOS 11 (Big Sur). Visit our Status Page for full details. Product: Sound Source 5 Developer: Rogue Amoeba Price: $29.00 USD Test Rig: Late...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Apple is this goodbye?

I’ve been using Apple for all of my computing life. In the beginning, if anyone ever asked me what computer I’d recommend, I never even paused for a second. You had to get an Apple. I remember a former neighbor who was a teacher. One day somehow the topic of computers...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: First World Problem

I had it all sussed. I was going to lead a completely iPadPro lifestyle. I researched the apps I absolutely needed. They were either already ported to the iPadPro, the developers were planning to, or I found a suitable substitute. Then reality barged in. First,...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: …And Then He Perfected the Light Bulb

I skim a plethora of tech sites and watch plenty of You Tube channels daily to stay abreast of what’s happening RE: Apple software and hardware. One particular reviewer has been complaining about Apple Mail behaving erratically, which caught my attention as I’ve had...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Anyway, That’s The Plan

Perhaps it’s a result of being in lockdown but I had a thought (yes, that’s what you smelt burning). I try to do things that people tell me you can’t do. So the gauntlet’s been tossed. Let’s start with a little backstory. I have a degree in film/video/audio. I‘ve shot...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Clean My Mac X Is Now Everywhere

Living what has currently become our new norm, many have taken to performing chores around the house that have been put off since the Eisenhower Administration (Google it, kids). Spanning the gamut from cleaning the garage, scrubbing the fridge (expiration dates from...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: First World Conundrum

The lines between tablet, laptop, and desktop machines are becoming increasingly blurred with each passing year. As a result, I‘m having difficulty deciding what direction to take when upgrading my set up. I have a late 2015 model iMac. It has 16 GB of RAM and I...

Freshly Squeezed Distractions

OK, we all know what situation we’re stuck in. I thought that if I come across something to brighten your day, I’ll post it here. I came across an app while speaking to someone during Sunday night’s NosillaCast live weekly gathering at 5p PT. (Check it out. Great...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: It’s All in the Mind, Y’know

You pay close attention to what and how much you eat and drink. You work out religiously several times per week. How often do you exercise your grey matter? Three years ago, I found there's an app for that. I’ve have been dutifully using it ever since and the app...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Time To Move On

I’m torn. Certain things that Apple has done in the last six months have encouraged me. Others have ticked me off intensely. But I’m hoping Apple has realized how much they have screwed the pooch over the last several years, have come to their senses, and are turning...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Where’d That Sound Come From?

Rogue Amoeba has seemingly been around since Edison was first occupying himself with wax cylinders. Rogue Amoeba has been the benchmark for audio software since the fledgling days of podcasting. Now they have unleashed a new version of one of their earliest releases...

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