


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: High Fidelity, Digitally Speaking

Product: Fidelia Developer: Audiofile Engineering, LLC Cost: US$19.99 Requirements: MAC OS X 10.7+ Test Rig: 2012 MBA 13", OS X 10.9.2, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD   In a previous lifestyle, I was a composer and musician. One of my favorite parts of the creative process...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: What's Your Desktop's Flavour?

Years ago, BeOS (if memory serves) allowed you to alter the entire theme of your desktop. This could be anything from the colors of buttons, the corner shapes of your windows, to having everything on your desktop have a brushed aluminum appearance on your Menu and...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Accessory Troika

Usually I review but one piece of hardware or software. And it’s always something that either has a learning curve of some assembly required. But this time, I thought that I would write about three recent purchases that make my computing day a bit more pleasurable....

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: It's A Clean Machine

Product: Washing Machine Developer: Intego Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or higher, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or higher, 50 MB Free Disk Space Test Rig: 2012 MacBook Air, 8GB RAM, 256 SSD, 2 GHz IntelCore i7, Mavericks 10.9.1 As with all Apple apps, there’s an...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Comcastopoly

By now, I’m sure that you have read or heard that Comcast has swallowed TimeWarner Cable. Apple had been in discussions for some time now with TWC.This may have been what Jobs was referring to when he said that he had figured out what to do with AppleTV. Some believe...

Freshly Squeezed Review: Voila – Now You See It, Now You Do

Product: Voila v3.4 Developer: Global Delight Requirements: Mac OS X Lion, 10.5.8 or later Test Rig: 2012 MacBook Air, 8GB RAM, 256 SSD, 2 GHz IntelCore i7, Mavericks 10.9.1 ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ A cliché and for good reason. Because it's true. With...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: And dot's dot

Product: dot Author: kōgeto <> Requirements: iPhone 4/4S/5, Looker iPhone app (free in the App Store) Price: $39.99 - $49.99 Test Rig: iPhone 4S 32GB, Looker app As the number of megapixels in iPhones increases. so do the...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: One Finger Gesture

What's it been, nearly a year now? And Microsoft still hasn't gotten the hang of how to produce an effective commercial to drive people to their products. Let's start with the "Click" ads. Apparently, the Microsoft Surface made a much more distinctive click sound with...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Podcasts Comparison

Instead of a regular review, I'm going to do a comparison for a change. Over the next two software articles, we're going to compare four of the better known iOS podcast clients on the market today. This month, we're going to look at Apple's Podcasts and iCatcher. Next...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Breathe Deep

I finally got around to watching the WWDC keynote in its entirety this past weekend. I was braced for the worst from the tweets I read and headings that I saw on MacSurfer. Imagine my surprise that when the keynote was finished I was elated! Tim Cook was at ease and...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Rant

Yesterday, Apple released its earnings report for the March quarter. Did they announce an iWatch? No. Did they announce an iTV? No. But analysts trotted out their favorite imaginary Apple product. The iDon't-Give-A-Rat's-What-Your-Report-Says-I'm-Gonna-Paint-It-Red. I...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Product: AudioGlove Manufacturer: AudioGlove.Net <> Requirements: iPhone (various) Price: 3G, 3GS $10.00; 4, 4S $35.00; 5 $40.00 Test Rig: iPhone 4S Hello. My name is Frank. And I am a podcast hoarder. I probably collect about 40 hours of podcasts...

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