I was a regular bar playing musician for many, many years. Despite limitations due to health, until now, I still dabble in composition. When Apple announced Spatial Audio, their version of Dolby Atmos, I was very interested to hear their results. I wanted to revisit...
Freshly Squeezed Blog…
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Zen DAC Revisited
Roughly half a year ago, I did a review of the ifi Zen DAC v2. I thought I'd bring you up to speed on my experience thus far. I use my Zen DAC in my studio apartment, attached to my iMac. I run it off of phantom power and have it hooked up externally to a pair of...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: And So It Begins
Now for the latest on my new layout. As usual, Apple under promised. I received both my iPhone 13 mini and iPad mini about a week ahead of schedule. Now I’m going through all the cruft I’ve collected on both devices over the years. It’s amazing how much stuff you can...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Composing And Recording On-The-Go
Eons ago, I was a musician. Technically, musicians will point-out that whether you’re playing or not, you’re a musician for life. Coincidentally, all my years of musicianship help me in writing these reviews: the flow of a sentence by using specific words in a precise...
I Like iFi
Now that Apple has tossed its hat into the Lossless Audio ring, as I explained last month, you will require a new piece of hardware - a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter)/headphone amp. This is irregardless if you’re using a mobile device or a desktop/laptop. The...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: My $.02 On AirPods Max
This morning, Apple released their Christmas surprise. And many were surprised, very surprised. Let’s take a deep dive. Pros: Here is where I’ll begin and I hope to put the announcement into perspective. The AirPods Max are supposed to further enhance the experience...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Where’d That Sound Come From?
Rogue Amoeba has seemingly been around since Edison was first occupying himself with wax cylinders. Rogue Amoeba has been the benchmark for audio software since the fledgling days of podcasting. Now they have unleashed a new version of one of their earliest releases...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: VOX Musica
This past Christmas I received no electronic gifts. In fact, the gift that I received that was closest to anything technological was a hard-bound book.So, it was up to me to procure something that satisfied my material cravings for the holiday.At the behest of a close...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Video To Go
How many times have you been held hostage by a family member, friend, or neighbor and forced to watch seemingly endless home videos of their kids, a recent family trip, sporting event, or what have you. Well, now there’s a book to prevent you from becoming one of the...
Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Getting Better All The Time
Another weekend has come and went. But this weekend was the one that I look forward to all year long. It was the weekend when I would attend Macstock. Centrally located on the North American continent, roughly an hour outside of Chicago, it makes the trek that more...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Thumbs Up, Downie
If you love collecting video or audio media from the internet for your personal use, this is the app of your dreams. When on the internet, we barely scratch the surface of all the media that is out there to feast on. Personally, I have become addicted to rare sound...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Production Software For The Rest Of Us
When Macworld was held in San Francisco, I interviewed a young man who was launching an audio software start-up. As time went by, the developer’s number of apps grew and the company’s reputation became cemented. Soon you most likely owned at least one app from Rogue...
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