If you have read any newspaper as of late, you have to wonder where people's heads are at politically, socially, etc. But this recent brouhaha over Apple's mucking with its iOS code for ill gotten gain would be laughable if so many people didn't really believe it....
Freshly Squeezed Blog…
Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: iOutta Control
There I was happily sauntering along life’s path with an iPhone 6S, an old yet reliable iPad mini 2 and a 2012 MacBook Air. As my situation had changed, so had my workflow. Ergo, I didn’t require the same tools as I once did. I felt comfortable and secure. But then...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Parking Mobility
I am power wheelchair bound. But that doesn’t stop me from getting out and about. I am fortunate enough to have a conversion van with hand controls and a retractable ramp. This allows me to go to the theater, to dinner, to visit friends, and so on. In fact, I drove...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Further On Down The Road
… as it must to all computers, flakiness came to my 2012 MacBook Air.’ OK, not death. It was starting to act a bit flaky and getting long in the tooth. So, it was time to hit Apple Store’s refurbished selections. Since I began writing this column, my workflow has...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Swift Be My Playground
Opening Apple’s recent event for the new MacbookPro, they started the program off with a video showing how Apple can help the disabled to be as productive as anyone else. To drive the point home, the video was created by the person with a neuro-muscular disease...
Freshly Squeezed Reviews: A Boost and a Bust
With the release of Music, I have rediscovered the joy of listening to sounds new and revisited as I drive roughly two hundred miles per week. The first thing that I do when I get into my vehicle is get out my iPhone 6S 64GB and connect it to my power source and the...
Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Time to call it a day?
Apple has become a joke. A tasteless joke. After this week's disappointing event, I find myself saying words that I never thought that I would utter. 'Microsoft is seriously worth looking at for my future computer needs.' Apple has spread itself too thin, messing...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Hiatus
By now, you no doubt have read of Macworld/iWorld's hiatus. My immediate feeling is that my family has been taken from me. I also feel like an era may have come to an end. 'Hiatus' ordinarily suggests a return sometime in the future, soon or down-the-road. But as we...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Breathe Deep
I finally got around to watching the WWDC keynote in its entirety this past weekend. I was braced for the worst from the tweets I read and headings that I saw on MacSurfer. Imagine my surprise that when the keynote was finished I was elated! Tim Cook was at ease and...
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