


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Get A Grip… GravGrip™

    iOS 14.3 iPhone SE 2020 64GB Capacity   Our smartphone cameras and GoPros have become increasingly sophisticated. Some can actually shoot 4K Dolby. And as picture quality has increased, you likely want to increase your production values to achieve...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Come on Apple, Toss Everyone A Bone

According to MacRumors it appears something may be afoot as LG UltarFine 5K Displays in many of Apple’s European stores are disappearing (a handful of countries still have some). What has been noted is that they’ve run out of stock. For the moment, they’re still...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: So Long, Mr. Ive, Welcome Home, Practicality

By now everyone in the Mac community has heard. Several highly reliable and respected sources are reporting that we’re getting all of our prayers answered. The return of MagSafe, more ports, the removal of the TouchBar and a somewhat slight redesign gracing 14” and...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Resolutions Are Made To Be Broken

New Year’s Eve has come and gone. Every year we all swear not to make resolutions as we won’t honor them past February. But I have to get serious this year. Resolution 1: Learn computing. I’ve been writing software and hardware reviews for near two decades now and I...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: No Experience Required

Hello. My name is Frank. And I'm not an analyst nor have I a YouTube channel. Seemingly, roughly half the populace of the western hemisphere have YouTube channels and sincerely believe they can competently review and analyze products. Oddly they’re mimeos of each...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: My $.02 On AirPods Max

This morning, Apple released their Christmas surprise. And many were surprised, very surprised. Let’s take a deep dive. Pros: Here is where I’ll begin and I hope to put the announcement into perspective. The AirPods Max are supposed to further enhance the experience...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: AirFoam Pro Active Seals The Deal

AirPod Pros iPhone SE 2020 Apple TV HD 55" LED HDTV   When I went to film school, it was drilled into your head that the most important component of any film/video project is the audio. I also played in bands for years. We composed and recorded both songs and...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Text Sniper Takes Aim

Late 2015 4K 21” iMacOS X 11.0.116GB RAM1 TB Samsung T5 SSD external boot drive I don’t know were I would be without Setapp. They are constantly introducing new apps that inevitably become an integral part of my workflow. To paraphrase Steve Jobs, ’They introduce me...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Be Very, Very Quiet…

… I’m hunting iPads! Yes, I’m still flip-flopping’ but I think my latest scheme makes the most sense. For this moment. I’m standing by that story. I’ve been using Big Sur on my late 2015 iMac for about a week after Nuking & Paving my internal Fusion drive. Slowly,...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Really? That’s Your Gripe?

Several months ago, I posted an op-ed about switching my workflow to an iPad-centric model. A little over a month ago, Apple aired their second of three productions announcing new Apple products. At this event, one item introduced was the new iPad Air 4, powered by a...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Sound Source Magical Mystery Upgrade

UPDATE: ATTN - from ROGUE AMOEBA: Big News for Big Sur! All of our products now have initial compatibility with the upcoming MacOS 11 (Big Sur). Visit our Status Page for full details. Product: Sound Source 5 Developer: Rogue Amoeba Price: $29.00 USD Test Rig: Late...

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