


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Automating The Disabled

Those of you who follow this blog regularly (seriously, go outside and catch some air) know that I have health issues. I’ve had Multiple Sclerosis for half of my life. But this past year, my body decided to up the ante and throw in a few more maladies for giggles. If...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Now I Begin

I finally pulled the trigger, completing my rig. But I had to improvise due to the chip shortage. Instead of a 24” 4.5K iMac, I went with a 16 GB RAM, 1 TB MBA. Thirteen inches is too small for these aging eyes, so I went in the opposite direction. I purchased a 32”...

Freshly Squeezed Review: Podcasts That Uncover Buried Treasure

In this review, I want to tell you of three podcasts that I have found indispensable. They range in length anywhere from 7 minutes to 15 minutes. They have in common one thing: revealing hidden, extremely productive features cloaked in Apple’s apps. Features that turn...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: The Case For This Case

I’ve mentioned over the last several months I’m in engaging in a proof of concept project. I’m convinced I can produce a quality video using predominantly minimalistic tools. Reviewing my arsenal: 1) Camera app. FilmicPro, due to its fine granularity. ISO, f stops, et...

Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Apple, Gimmie Some Truth

I was a regular bar playing musician for many, many years. Despite limitations due to health, until now, I still dabble in composition. When Apple announced Spatial Audio, their version of Dolby Atmos, I was very interested to hear their results. I wanted to revisit...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Zen DAC Revisited

Roughly half a year ago, I did a review of the ifi Zen DAC v2. I thought I'd bring you up to speed on my experience thus far. I use my Zen DAC in my studio apartment, attached to my iMac. I run it off of phantom power and have it hooked up externally to a pair of...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: It’s Crying Time Again

Every year I’m afforded the opportunity to rewrite the same Op-Ed from the previous year.   Ok, let’s start by opening the thesaurus. Look up Apple fanboi or girl. You’ll find the synonym ‘gullible’. After lo these many years, at what point is it going to dawn...

Freshly Squeezed Reviews: Mezmoglobe Keeps On Spinnin’

A little over one year ago, I wrote a review about my collection of items that help me retain some amount of sanity as I navigate my daily workflow. I’ve tried the Palmedero Method (25 minutes work, 5 minutes chill) but I couldn’t get it to achieve its objective...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Happy Happy

I'd like to wish each and everyone of you a Happy Gnu Year. Thank you for putting up with my eradicate schedule. I will do my darnedest to post more often this year. It's the least I can do for you spending some of your time indulging in my dribble. I hope that 2022...

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