“Reality. What a concept.” - Robin Williams A.I. is one of those generational flashpoints. We’ve seen only a smidgen of the incredible things it will afford us. The first thing that comes to mind is the truly amazing things it promises to help people with disabilities...
Freshly Squeezed Blog…
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Doom Lurks Around The Corner, As Required
One thing that the majority of Apple devotees have in common is paranoia. We embrace rumors tightly to our technology loving bosoms with a death grip. And this time is no different at all. Apple has raised prices on some services. What betrayal! We have spent years...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: iPad Lost
A while back, I was so smitten with the newly released iPad Mini 6 that I traded in my newly purchased iPad Air 8 to snatch up one of these new lovelies. It had a new design (actually a small iPad Pro design) but it had USB-C. Faster file transfer (at least from...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Automating The Disabled
Those of you who follow this blog regularly (seriously, go outside and catch some air) know that I have health issues. I’ve had Multiple Sclerosis for half of my life. But this past year, my body decided to up the ante and throw in a few more maladies for giggles. If...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Now I Begin
I finally pulled the trigger, completing my rig. But I had to improvise due to the chip shortage. Instead of a 24” 4.5K iMac, I went with a 16 GB RAM, 1 TB MBA. Thirteen inches is too small for these aging eyes, so I went in the opposite direction. I purchased a 32”...
Freshly Squeezed Op-Ed: Apple, Gimmie Some Truth
I was a regular bar playing musician for many, many years. Despite limitations due to health, until now, I still dabble in composition. When Apple announced Spatial Audio, their version of Dolby Atmos, I was very interested to hear their results. I wanted to revisit...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: And So It Begins
Now for the latest on my new layout. As usual, Apple under promised. I received both my iPhone 13 mini and iPad mini about a week ahead of schedule. Now I’m going through all the cruft I’ve collected on both devices over the years. It’s amazing how much stuff you can...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: The Siri Wars
Because of disability issues, it's easier for me to use my voice than to type. This means that I lean quite heavily and often on Siri.Though not the sharpest crayon out there, it'll do. Most of us have likely experienced the odd situation when someone says "Hey Siri'...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: I Finally Pulled The Trigger
If you've been playing along at home, you know of all the flip-flopping I've done trying to decide on my new layout. I finally did it with the help of MindNode to weigh the pros and cons and Apple dangling shiny things in front of me. So here's what I wound up...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Stop it, Just Stop It
I watch a lot of YouTube. Actually, I watch way too much YouTube. I often use it for research purposes sometimes. Pathetic, eh? I’m sure you’ve seen a plethora of videos regarding “jellygate”. Apple didn’t create the problem, it’s a hardware limitation (though I see...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Watch Your Language
I’ve been writing reviews and OpEds for near two decades now and I’ve learned two important lessons. First, writing my sentences and articles is precisely like writing a song. I have to use my words and sentences to compose an ebb and flow that keeps the reader...
Freshly Squeezed OpEd: 1Password 8 Has Called Me Out
A couple of weeks ago, I was telling you about my experience and opinion of Safari Technology Preview for Mac. I would appear to be in the minority. But as I said, it keeps me from adding to my collection of hundreds of bookmarks. “Groups” is my savior. At the same...
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