


Freshly Squeezed Blog…

A Dedication

  I don’t know where to begin this tribute. This man defied all odds and lived a life that would be fulfilling for anyone. Darren Carr had a weekly request show podcast. He would play requests that were sent in, no matter how off the beaten trail the music was or...

Let The Backpedaling Commence

After the conclusion of Apple’s April event, many You Tubers and bloggers (myself included) began our assault on the new M1 iMac. Personally, I likened the design to a 5th grader who used the iPad software feature where you can make a perfect square, circle,...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Unmask what?

Have you done it yet? All the cool kids are doing it. Doing what you ask? Why taking your masks off – the masks on your avatars and logos. I have a friend that does several podcasts a week. She recently unmasked all her avatars and logos and proudly proclaimed it...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Apple, remember wheelchair users?

WWDC21 has come and gone as one usually does. As always, there were interesting innovations and some glaring oversights. I should have expected the one oversight, as it’s not the first time. We’ve been to this dance before and our partner stood us up once again. It...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Apple Nickel and Diming

I’ve been using Apple computer’s since the SE/30. I’ve been writing Apple reviews for roughly a decade. In all that time, I’ve recommended Apple products over the competition’s. That ends today. Apple has been pulling a slight of hand for several years now regarding...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Totally Retro

There has been a lot of chinwagging going on regarding the appearance of the latest iMac M1. Most people are warming up to the colors but are steadfastly disenchanted with the white bezels. If you are as ancient as I am, you can recall the early days of the iMac and...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: Let The Backpedaling Commence

After the conclusion of Apple’s April event, many You Tubers and bloggers (myself included) began our assault on the new M1 iMac. Personally, I likened the design to a 5th grader who used the iPad software feature where you can make a square, circle, rectangle,...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: That Seals The Deal

“It’s an engineering masterpiece and it’s so damn ugly.” ~Marques Brownlee regarding the M1 iMac I know, I know, I have waffled incessantly about whether to go iPad-centric or not. But I agree with Marques. And that thought seals the deal. Now, it’s time to start...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: M1 + Cube = Never—Neverland

It has been roughly a 1/2 year since Apple unveiled the M1 chip and unfurled the road that lies ahead. Within minutes after the presentation’s end I had a picture in my mind: + The most powerful technological organs (so far) of any computer combined with the most...

Freshly Squeezed OpEd: I Want This

Recently Apple jettisoned the Home Pod. Nice piece of audio engineering and from what has been said online, really nice sound. But alas, it's in the rearview mirror. But I have an idea for something Apple could concoct using the HomePod that I would buy in a New York...

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